Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Few Portrait photographs of my own

So far I am more interested in the subjects than in the form of the photograph... I don't know whether it is right or wrong and I am trying to apply different approaches but my profession definitely leaves its heavy mark on my preferences and style of photography. In other words - 99% of the time I am going for candid shots when the subject is unaware of my presence or at least is not conscious about it.

In many cases I am unfamiliar with my subjects and this gives me freedom to interpret them in any way I want.

Such is human nature that when we see a person we instantly make a judgement of some sort. We are trying to guess what  kind of person this is, what kind of social status he/she has, etc, etc.

And, as my personal experience shows, very often we are wrong in our judgments. But it doesn't really matter, because the chances are that we will never have to interact with this people, will never meet them again. No one will be able to tell us whether we were right or wrong. What matters is how did they reflect at us. How did we change from that glimpse on a passerby.

Same is with photo. We look at a portrait, and we think that we feel the person who is depicted on it. But, as again, my personal experience shows - it's only an illusion. We are just passing a quick judgement on someone, whose life is a total mystery for us, based on a quick glimpse on the frozen moment. What are the chances that we will be able to make an accurate judgment having almost no leads, almost no evidences of any sort?

But then again - it doesn't matter. What matters is if the photo moved you in one way or another. If it made you feel something, think of something, to empathize somehow... All the rest is just an illusion.

for more of my work please visit my website

Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Favorite Portraits

By Mitchell Kanashkevich

When I was asked to present my 3 favorite portraits I thought that it'd be a very easy task.

But when I started going through the images of photographers whose work I admire few questions arise. 

What exactly is portrait? Does it suppose to be an image of one's face or is it rather a depiction of one's character even though the subject's features are not that clear? 

What's a photo? Is an image edited to the extent that almost every bit of it is retouched and changed its original form still consider to be a portrait photograph? 

What do I, personally, like about portraits? When I am looking through photos what stops my attention?  What about my classmates? What are their preferences?  

Meanwhile here is few (slightly more than 3) photos that I wanted to share and discuss: 

By Viesturs Links

By Dima Gavrysh

By Misha Friedman

By Ilya Popenko

By Dima Gavrysh